题目:Dealing with nonlinearities in dynamic system, modelling, identification and control---linear approaches
摘 要:Total nonlinear dynamic systems can be described with rational models as a ratio of two polynomials. The introduction of the denominator polynomial make concise expression, but induces challenge in model identification and control system design. The talk will give an easy-going introduction for the related research topics and potential for further research.
The purpose of the speech is not only to introduce some fundamental techniques, but more importantly to show the speaker’s research insight/philosophy in the challenging research and application domain. The later aspect is particularly suitable for PG students and new researchers. In addition, the speaker will use his sense of humour to link modelling and control to many fields encountered almost in daily life and work.
报告人:朱全民教授,英国西英格兰大学工程、设计与数学系教授,1989年获英国华威大学博士学位,1989年至1994年在谢菲尔德大学自动控制和系统工程系从事博士后研究,主要研究方向为“非线性系统的分析和辨识”。曾为英国华人自动化协会(Chinese Automation Society in the UK)创始人及前主席,现为国际建模、辨识与控制学报创始人和主编,国际计算机应用技术学报主编,Elsevier系列丛书(Emerging methodologies and applications in modelling, identification and control)创始人和主编,国际系统科学学报编委(2014年获杰出服务奖),Complexity,防务技术等国际期刊编委以及中国仪器仪表学报编委;国际建模、辨识与控制系列会议(International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control)创始人及主席,中国自动化学会控制理论专业委员会委员(2014.1-2022.12),曾应聘于昆明理工大学的云南省高端外专项目入选专家(2016-2018),被聘武汉科技大学楚天学者讲座教授,入选2011年山东省万人计划,并被授予“******特聘教授”(2011-2016)。
时 间:2018年07月02日,下午15:00-16:00
地 点:数学科学学院424室