发布者: 王玺

学  术  报  告

题目:Through-Wall Radar Detection Analysisvia Numerical Simulations

摘 要:In this presentation, we present both a forward problem of generating scattered data using Maxwell’s equations and, in more detail, the inverse problem of reconstructing objects hidden behind simulated walls. The reconstruction method seeks to discover the shape, size, and conductivity of the objects using a behind-walls analysis. The main feature of our reconstruction procedure is that it uses a source within the numerical field, so that the incoming field is not generated by a plane wave, and that the object is located within a set of walls that will interfere with the ability to analyze the object normally. The data used for performing this reconstruction is generated numerically, but it is also assumed that the scattered field can only be known at certain locations outside of the walled area, instead of known as a function. All of these changes violate the assumptions of the theoretical reconstructions, so a different approach is needed. We develop an appropriate adjustment to the theoretical methods presented in the literature to analyze objects in this setting. We also explore several other reconstruction schemes including machine learning and compare their numerical results.

 报告人Prof.Aihua Wood

       Air Force Institute of Technology, USA

  时  间:20190411(星期四)  15:00-16:00

  地  点:数学科学学院424





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学  术  报  告

题目:Through-Wall Radar Detection Analysisvia Numerical Simulations

摘 要:In this presentation, we present both a forward problem of generating scattered data using Maxwell’s equations and, in more detail, the inverse problem of reconstructing objects hidden behind simulated walls. The reconstruction method seeks to discover the shape, size, and conductivity of the objects using a behind-walls analysis. The main feature of our reconstruction procedure is that it uses a source within the numerical field, so that the incoming field is not generated by a plane wave, and that the object is located within a set of walls that will interfere with the ability to analyze the object normally. The data used for performing this reconstruction is generated numerically, but it is also assumed that the scattered field can only be known at certain locations outside of the walled area, instead of known as a function. All of these changes violate the assumptions of the theoretical reconstructions, so a different approach is needed. We develop an appropriate adjustment to the theoretical methods presented in the literature to analyze objects in this setting. We also explore several other reconstruction schemes including machine learning and compare their numerical results.

 报告人Prof.Aihua Wood

       Air Force Institute of Technology, USA

  时  间:20190411(星期四)  15:00-16:00

  地  点:数学科学学院424




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